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HR2eazy’s advanced HR and Payroll Software
Did your organization has an HR Payroll System that can actually improve your business standards? Get to know about the completeness of HR2eazy, the happening provider of integrated HR and Payroll Software.
HR2eazy features
HR2eazy contains the comprehensive features required for a packed Payroll and HR Software. Take a glance through the consolidated features of HR2eazy,
  • Dedicated dashboard to all the employees
  • Facility to download and submit government forms such as KWSP, LHDN and SOCSO.
  • Helps users for Zakat Calculation
  • Users will be provided access to timesheet/transaction, apply claim, extra time and permission.
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HR2eazy’s Advanced HR and Payroll Software
Best user interaction
The users of HR2eazy could connect with the user-friendly features in a quick succession and any possible glitches shall be rectified in no time to support the best quality of the product.

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